History of vocal groups in jazz and pop - vokal.total.2024 - Workshop

From the Boswell Sisters to Pentatonix in words, sound and videos.

Matthias Becker is the founder and manager of VoKAL ToTAL, the famous German vocal jazz quartet. He has a diploma in choir conducting and a musicology PhD in „choir music in jazz“. He is giving national and international classes in music for choirmasters, choirs and vocal ensembles, and has a publishing company for international Choir music.

Language: English (Questions can be answered in German)

Veranstaltungsort und Adresse

Johann-Joseph-Fux-Konservatorium, Griesgasse 27, 8020 Graz, Österreich

    Tickets für 20. Juli 2024

  • Sa

History of vocal groups in jazz and pop - vokal.total.2024 - Workshop

Diese Veranstaltung in Graz (Gries) wurde von venyoobot veröffentlicht. History of vocal groups in jazz and pop - vokal.total.2024 - Workshop ist den Rubriken A cappella und Matthias Becker zugeordnet.

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